113: Animation Anxiety
Yanik goes over his experience as a first-time game jam participant.
Related Links
- FU: Yanik Magnan on Twitter
- FU: NSNorth on Twitter
- FU: James Thomson on Twitter
- FU: Ken Kocienda’s WWDC Sessions
- FU: What's happening at Nest?
- Yanik and woof's game, Sacrifice Battle: download, source code
- Limitless Possibility 9: Game Development with LÖVE
- The LÖVE game engine
- The Ludum Dare game jam
- woof on Twitter and Tumblr
- selectbutton: Babby's First Game Jam, Yanik's thread asking for game jam first-timer advice
- MTG Wiki: Aggro deck / The Aristocrats
- GitHub: kikito/anim8
- woof's game, Blue Revolver
- Wikipedia: Entity component system
- itch.io
- GitHub: rxi/lovebird
- Mark Rosewater's Drive to Work podcast
- Playdate
- GitHub: rxi