83: Everybody's Creating Blogs
Yanik takes a look at the history of platform-supported Ruby implementations, whatever that means.
Related Links
- FU: Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order
- The Ruby programming language
- Ruby on Rails
- JRuby
- YouTube: Charles Nutter - JRuby in 2017: Fast, Compatible, and Concurrent, RubyConfBY 2017, a great session that gives a nice status update on where JRuby was 9 months ago
- IronRuby
- MacRuby
- Limitless Possibility 57: Evolutionary Dead End where we last discussed RubyCocoa
- John Siracusa's Copland 2010 articles: part 1, part 2, part 3, and the revisited article
- RubyMotion , the spiritual successor to MacRuby * Limitless Possibility 65: Complaint Extravaganza where we last discussed Xamarin
- GitHub: MacRuby/MacRuby